Ado about Naught

Alas, my dears; ye Shakespeare "controversy" bollocks yet thrives. I just went to Safeway to get some laundry detergent, wearing one of ye five new Shakespeare t-shirts that arriv'd in to-day's poft. Ye cashier look'd at my t-shirt and said, "You know, Shakespeare didn't write the plays. Have you see the film Anonymous?" I laugh'd and sadly shook me noggin. I have quite a few books on the authorship controversy; and also ye magnificent New Oxford Shakespeare Authorship Companion--& I remain convinc'd the ye poet fro Stratford did indeed write the plays & poems attributed to him. Apparently having studied ye topic in books means nothing when one can get solid historical facts from cinematic treatment. 
Ah well, I shall conentrate this day on listening to ye poetry of my brothers in fantastic fiction & verse, Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith, with ye newly releas'd audio cds of readings by Donald Sydney-Fryer, who is himself ye greatest living weird poet.


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