Frogmarsh in German

I was told, long ago, that ye original spelling of "Pugmire" was the German word for frog marsh or frog pond. I liked that, although I had no idea if it true; and I began to sign my personal correspondence "Capt. Frogmarsh". So I got a wee thrill to-day when ye postman brought me copies of my newest book, a German collection of my short stories. I love ye cover illustration. Ye Contents: "Das Fenster zwischen den Welton" "Das Tal aus Sand und Wind" "Hinter dem Tor der tiefen Traume" "Das Zeichen des Gesichtslosen Gottes" "Der Kuss des Nyarlsthotep" "Die Lauschende Leere" "Die tausend Saulen von Irem" "Der Blick hinter die Welt" That first title is a full-page poem, & ye rest is fiction. The idea of translation interests me: how can a writer with a very distinctive style have her work faithfully translated into another language? Along with ye book came a journal,...