Grandpa's Influence Continues

My favourite Lovecraftian fiction series continues with ye newly-releas'd Black Wings V from PS Publishing. Editor S. T. Joshi has selected a fascinating collection of weird tales that are original examples of how modern weird authors continue to pay homage to Ye Gentleman from Providence. 

Introduction, S. T. Joshi
Plenty of Irem, Jonathan Thomas
Diary of a Sane Man, Nicole Cushing
The Woman in the Attic, Robert H. Waugh
Far from Any Shore, Caitlin R. Kiernan
In Blackness Etched, My Name, W. H. Pugmire
Snakeladder, Cody Goodfellow
The Walker in the Night, Jason C. Eckhardt
In Bloom, Lynne Jamneck
The Black Abbess, John Rippion
The Quest, Mollie L Burleson
A Question of Blood, David Hambling
Red Walls, Mark Howard Jones
The Organ of Chaos, Donald Tyson
Seeds of the Gods, Donald R. Burleson
Fire Breeders, Sunni K Brock
Casting Fractals, Sam Gafford
The Red Witch of Chorazin, Darrell Schweitzer
The Oldies, Nancy Kilpatrick
Voodoo, Stephen Woodworth
Lore (poetry), Wade German

This anthology benefits greatly, I think, because of ye reputation of its editor as the World's Leading Lovecraft Scholar & Editor; because he is so well-known for his work inye Lovecraft field, S. T. is able to attract numerous writers who wou'd not normally dip their claw into ye Mythos fictional universe. But there are plenty of familiar names as well, and I enjoy the kind of nameless intimacy that can be sipped from such outstanding stories as Darrell's "The Red Witch of Chorazin", and where we find such phrases as "adventurous expectancy"--a phrase that will bring a wee smile to ye mugs who are familiar with HPL's prose.

My own story in ye book continues my recent obsession with setting tales in Lovecraft's mythical towns of Dunwich, Kingsport, and (in this case) Arkham. To do this is part of ye fan-boy appeal of writing Lovecraftian fiction, and I'm addicted. It limits ye number of pro editors who will consider my work for their anthologies, but the only editor I really care to write for is S. T., so that's cool wid me.

S. T. has started work on BLACK WINGS VI (he has accepted a story of mine for it already), and then he thinks he wants to cease work on this particular series for a while and concentrate on Other Things. 


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