Trade pb edition is Popular!

Ye trade pb edition of A MOUNTAIN WALKED is #3 in ye Amazon charts of best-selling horror anthologies! The Contents is slightly different from the hardcover edition, missing the two stories by H. P. Lovecraft (they were added to ye hardcover by the publisher, and S. T. wasn't entirely happy with their inclusion in ye tome), and some few other items. Ye Contents of the trade pb and Kindle edition from Dark Regions Press follows:

Introduction, S. T. Joshi
The House of the Worm, Mearl Prout
Far Below, Robert Barbour Johnson
Spawn of the Green Abyss, C. Hall Thompson
The Deep Ones, James Wade
The Franklyn Paragraph, Ramsey Campbell
Where Yidhra Walks, Walter C. DeBill, Jr.
Black Man with a Horn, T.E.D. Klein
The Last Feast of harlequin, Thomas Ligotti
Only the End of the World Again, Neil Gaiman
Mandelbrot Moldrot, Lois H, Gresh
Black Brat of Dunwich, Stanley C. Sargent
The Phantom of Beguilement, W. H. Pugmire
...Hungry...Rats, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
Virgin's Island, Donald Tyson
In the Shadow of Swords, Cody Goodfellow
Mobymart After Midnight, Jonathan Thomas
A Gentleman from Mexico, Mark Samuels
John Four, Caitlin R. Kiernan
Sigma Octantis, Rhys Hughes
[Anasazi], Gemma Files
The Wreck of the Aurora, Patrick McGrath
Beneath the Beardmore, Michael Shea

This is one of ye really outstanding anthologies in the genre, shewing the vital and  titan influence that H. P. Lovecraft has had on writers of modern horror. I do not hesitate to proclaim that at least two of the tales, those by Klein and Ligotti, are classic tales of horror, masterpieces in every way. This is mostly a reprint anthology--but the stories reprinted are in many cases difficult to find, being rarely reprinted anywhere else.  And, honey, ye cover of this trade pb edition doesn't lie--these are great stories, and they showcase the diversity of styles that makes up modern horror. One that I am especially fond of, because it touches on a memory of how it felt when I first became a Cthulhu Mythos nut; and, it evokes a memory of Robert Hayward Barlow, my gay brother whose suicide was triggered (if I understand the situation correctly) by fear of homophobia. My own story in ye book is one of many tales I have set in Lovecraft's Kingsport, that city in ye mists with which I am obsess'd (indeed, one day I plan on publishing an entire collection of my Kingsport stories--after I've written six or seven more).

The hardcover edition of this book was one of the most amazingly awesome and beautiful books I've ever beheld. Although this pb edition lacks all the incredible artwork and one of the finest of ye original tales (by Laird Barron), it is still a stunning collection, and serves as a significant tribute to ye influence of E'ch-Pi-El.
with S. T. and Lois at NecronomiCon 2013


  1. A great anthology. I couldn't resist and bought the original hardcover on preorder. Glad to hear there is now a trade edition.

    David Clark


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